Job Title
Courses Taught: 9th Grade World History,
Boys Head Coach-Basketball,
Special Teams Coordinator-Football

9th grade World History 1500-Present
Modern World History-Patterns of Interaction
Textbook: ISBN 978-0-547-49130-1
Guided Reading Workbook: ISBN 978-0-547-52082-7
William Neil Turner, Jr.
Marbury High School- A20
Course Description:
In this course we will study the political, economic and social events that have shaped the world from the 1500’s to modern times. You will get to know the people, places and issues that have made the world what it is today. You will discover what life was like in the recent past and how things change and develop over time to get us where we are in the present.
Course Objective
“If you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.” Students should develop an understanding of key political social and economic events from the past and their connection to the present. You will learn how the great explorers set the stage for European leadership and how political revolutions changed governments forever. You will also lean the complex causes of world wars and how technology affects societies today. This knowledge will help you be a more responsible citizen in your community and country.
Course Requirements
Each student will be expected to complete the assignments given to them daily otherwise it becomes homework. Final deadline for all chapter work is the day of the chapter test. Each student is expected to come to class prepared to review and answer questions from the lecture. Students are expected to be attentive and participate in all class activities. Pen/pencil and paper of any kind is enough for my classroom. I will supply a textbook and workbook to every student.`
Attendance Policy
Each student is expected to attend class regularly and in accordance with Marbury High School and ACBOE policies.
Grading Policy
During the term we will have a test about once per week. Each test will consist of Multiple Choice, Matching, Short Answer and Essay questions. In each chapter we will have 4 minor grades for every major grade. Major grades are worth 65% of the grade while the minor grade is worth 35%. This is in accordance with ACBOE policy. Completing all minor grades for a chapter can help negate some of the effects of a poor test score. A strong test score can offset an occasionally missed minor grade. But not doing minor grades and failing tests will be a difficult problem to overcome. I will always look to help every student in any way I can but I will not do the work for them.
Class Decorum
No eating or drinking in class! Leaving class should be limited. Wandering the halls or within the classroom will not be permitted. I will treat every student with respect but expect the same in return. All ACBOE policies on decorum will be maintained. I will be fair but I will be firm and disruptions of class will not be tolerated. Any actions outside of the student code of conduct is not permitted. I will do everything in my power to make this a fun, safe and entertaining learning environment